Friday, August 31, 2012

Hidden Path

We were hiking back into a little known trail. Not too far away there is a well known trail that is worn and used occasionally. The trail we took seems to have have no one on it for days or weeks at a time.

For a trail to be known there needs to be a sign or the trail starting at the road or parking lot. Without these no one will know it's there.

To get there you need to cross a field of knee high to waist high natural grass. Photobucket
There is no path through the grass. One just has to walk straight through it. When you get to the trail it is not apparent, but if you go through a small opening a trail is there. Photobucket

Hiking along the trail is not bad; not many trees or branches have fallen across the trail.

A hidden trail is tranquil, peaceful and calm. The hustle and bustle of life is left behind.

Jesus offers a peaceful and calm life. Not many will accept it as a valid way to go, but those who do find joy, restfulness and purpose.

How do you find a hidden trail? For me, it comes from hiking off trail. I come across many deer paths appearing out of nowhere and continue for a while, then disappear. While traversing these I will encounter a human trail.

God says seek Me and you will find Me if you search for Me with all your heart. We can find the trail of God with an honest and good heart.

The way I seek the Lord is through the Word of God. Ps 16:11 "You will make known to me the path of life..."

As we seek God, He shows us the path to walk on.

Let us not stumble around in darkness off trail but follow Jesus and the light he gives us to walk on the path of life before us.

A trail will take you through the woods faster than just crashing through the brush. Following God's trail for life will be much better and rewarding than going it on your own without Christ. God's path gets brighter and brighter. Prov 4:18

To walk on a hidden trail, one needs to believe it will go somewhere. When we hike in the woods, sometimes we don't care where it goes. We'll just turn around and go back the same way. But in life we don't want to take a path that leads nowhere. We don't want to spend a lot of wasted time.

As you come to know Jesus, you will find He means what He says. He can be trusted with our lives in the now, not just with our lives after death. Many trust Jesus for life after death but not life in the present. Jesus can be trusted. Follow His path. It will lead to life everlasting and a satisfying life with peace and joy. Yes, there will be heartache with those who don't choose to follow Jesus on His path of life, but everlasting life is a joyful life.

Stay on the path; don't deviate to the left or to the right. “Make straight paths for your feet, so that the limb which is lame may not be put out of joint, but rather be healed.” Hebrews 12:13
There is healing when we follow the path Jesus has for us. When we get off that path there can be all manner of troubles.

Jesus has plans for our life. Eph 2:10 The works of our life were prepared beforehand. Walk in the path of the works God has for us. We walk by faith as directed by the Spirit of God.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sycamore Bark


We passed by a patch of ground that had much American
Sycamore bark on the ground. This bark flakes off
during the year. This was an excessive amount of
bark. I had not seen this before.

What lessons can we learn from this in the
Shedding of bark is like shedding our protection. Our
protection in God is our faith. Satan can't get at
us as we are hid in Christ.
Ps 91, Eph 1, Eph 6, John1
Light overcomes darkness. Let us not shed our
protection of faith and confidence.
"For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised." Hebrews 13:36

Gal 6:9 "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for
in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary."
Keep at the work of God, looking to Him to fulfill
what He has called you to do.

The purpose of bark is to protect the cambium. Life
of trees flows from the cambium area. Sap is moved in
the cambium. Water is moved from the roots up to
the leaves.

The shedding of bark also could mean that the
former purpose of faith has shifted. Some things
of faith in Christ never change, like salvation. We
are saved by grace through faith. That doesn't
change. Other things, such as a calling to do a work
for Christ, may remain for a season then change to
something else. So the flaking bark shows the tree
is putting on new bark and the old bark if

We outgrow or are promoted to a new work at the
direction of the Holy Spirit.

The Sycamore tree grows in girth and sheds its bark
as it grows. Many other trees' bark will expand and
the fissures of the bark widen as it grows in
girth. Sycamore can't expand its bark because the bark is brittle, so it sheds
bark as it grows.

Shedding of bark may indicate  fast growth of the
tree as the tree stem expands bark is shed so new
bark grows in its place.

Let us always be ready to grow in Christ and not
resist change.