Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Pawpaws and Bitternut hickory in the rain

I hiked in the rain Saturday. I did not make it to the glade. That will have to be another day. The trail along a power line and will be good for more exploration especially on a bicycle. What was neat about the hike I thought there would be a creek with a lot of water flowing by the sound. But it was just the rain hitting the leaves.

The trail wound around a draw and followed the power line for a while. I took a photo of some Pawpaw which are a beautiful understory tree in the fall. The orange tree behind the Pawpaw was a Bitternut hickory.

On the way back I forgot the trail looped around the draw and became disoriented. But Molly my dog knew the way.

Hiking in the rain brings a different element to the hike. Instead of hearing you footsteps you hear rain pattering against the leaves.

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