Saturday, February 04, 2017

Black Willow

Here is a Black Willow on top of the bank next to the Missouri river. It is leaning over the bank, which this tree seems to do a lot. It usually grows around bigger trees and has to lean to find the light. Willow can withstand flooding thus the propensity to grow in bottom land sites and thrive there.

The saplings of willow grow straight and are good for furniture making. That is brush furniture. The wood is light and would not stand up the use of normal furniture.

One of the reasons I am drawn to finding different types of trees is their ability to adapt to different types of conditions. Christians are not all the same. That may be why there are so many expressions of Christianity. We have different abilities and should not be discouraged if we don't measure up to others. Instead of trying to measure up to others serve God as you were made to do. 

We all have abilities if we will renounce the sin desires that are within us and turn to Christ and live for Him. Look to Jesus and not yourself and He will sustain you.

Psalm 55:22 "Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken."

Father, I look to you and Your Son and the Holy Spirit to guide me in my life and work. Thank You, let it happen.

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