Monday, March 19, 2007

Loess Gullies

As my dog and I entered the woods we were greeted by a Cardinal. This type of greeting has happened many times.

Making our way further in we encountered steep gullies. These loess soils are susceptible to erosion because of build up of soil and there are no rocks below. I hiked through this area but at times it presents a problem of how to cross a gully.

I made it up the steep bank by grabbing exposed roots and pulling myself up. I would kick my feet in the soil and make it to the next exposed root. My dog Molly had trouble getting up but the third attempt she made it. At another time I had to reach over the edge and grab her legs and pull her up.

The gullies were not so bad once I attacked them with an attitude getting to the top.

What is it that keeps us from gaining the victory in Jesus. Is it the obstacles that are before us or the attitude that we can't do it? I think we can do what God is asking us to do if we will put our trust in Jesus. Trusting in Jesus is not based on a lack of obstacles. It is realizing the goodness and greatness of God to conquer any problem. God will make a way where there is no way.

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