Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Ice Forming on Lake

How does water freeze on a lake?

Water becomes more dense when it gets down to 40 degrees. This causes that water to fall and warmer water that is less dense rises.

When the whole lake reaches 40 degrees the water on top then becomes colder and starts to freeze. The water at the shore is shallower and so this water will get colder faster and  that is why the lake freezes from the shore to the center.

The air is much colder than the ground. the cold air will bring the temperature of the water down.

Ice is lighter than water causing the ice to float on top of the water. That is why ice floats in a glass of water. If it was the other way around life in a lake for fish would not be possible.

Water below the ice allows fish to survive.

The uniqueness of water is one of the things in nature that points to a Creator God.

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