Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Wind Damaged Shingle Oak

We came across this wind damaged Shingle oak. All the limbs were broken off except the top left one. Not sure if the tree was dying before the storm or not.  There are not trees on the other side of the tree to shelter it from the storm.

Some trees need the shelter of other trees to survive a strong storm.  This tree may have grown up with other trees and then they died back and left it alone. It did fine for years but a storm came and tore it apart recently.

Other trees that grow in an open field, called wolf trees, put down stronger roots and the tree is better able to withstand the storms of nature.

Christians need to be able to stand in the midst of trials.  It is good to be with other people that have faith and courage to walk with God in life. But there comes times when you can't rely on others. God is our source and we need to rely on Him and not others. Let us put our foundation in Jesus.

Proverbs 10:25 "When the whirlwind passes, the wicked is no more,
But the righteous has an everlasting foundation."

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