Today I came across a Kentucky Coffee tree. Gymnocladus dioica
Notice that the bark has long narrow strips.
Twigs are stout.
The leaves are twice compound.
The name came from the seed pods which have been boiled to make a coffee drink. Indians did this and also during the Civil war it was tried.
Lumber is redish and coarse but it polishes well.
Its hard to tell which tree I am talking about. The Kentucky coffee tree is the one in the middle. It is at the beginning of the trail.
Here you can see the seed pods left on the tree in February.
A close up of the seed pods.
This tree is not common in any location of Missouri but is scattered around the state.
Psalm 69:32,33
"You who seek God, let your heart revive.
For the Lord hears the needy,
And does not despise His who are prisoners."
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