Thursday, July 15, 2004


One day I decided to walk from my house to an area I haven’t been to in a long time. As I got there I decided to go to a part of the woods that I had never been to before. It was below a house on top of river losses that was deposited after the ice age.

I got to the woods and walked for a ways and then sat down. It is always peaceful in the woods by myself. As I sat there and looked I wondered how long these trees had been there. It was as if they had been waiting for me to come and visit for a long time. I felt at home.

They had been there all along. I just had not paid attention to them. I was busy going other places. Forests aren’t in a hurry. They grow a little bit at a time. Each year a new layer of wood is laid on the tree. And the year after that another. Though forests are still and quiet they are working.

My relationship with God and my interaction with forests are similar. As a forest is there for us to enjoy, so God is there for us to enjoy. Until I hiked over to those woods I didn’t enjoy them. But they were there anyway. As it seems they were waiting. So God is waiting for me to come to Him. He does not intrude upon me. But when I come to Him, He gives me peace. It is good just to sit and experience His presence.

God is working even when I neglect Him. He is always ready for me.

The things I could learn about forests are endless. So it is with God. What I can learn from Him will know no end.

God is waiting. Take time for Him. You won’t regret it!

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