Saturday, July 10, 2004

Why Nature?

Why Nature?

The diversity
The search for light
different adaptations
different forms, colors
No straight lines
The uniqueness of life each type of
plant adapted to its own purpose.
The seasons marking the march of
The hidden importance of ecology.
Trees building against the law of
The complexity of God’s charater
shown in how He make nature.
Life feeds on death & death gives
Our life will produce for others.
The surprise of wildlife
The miracle of birth, germination
randomness of topography vs.
cookie cutter cities
Blue sky and green leaves.
The different shades of green.
The absence of people
Those you do see are a different
Babies quit crying when you take
them outside.
A sense of freedom.
The miracle of photosynthesis.
The complexity of photosynthesis.
The unique properties of water.
From rocks to dirt to plants and
back to dirt.
The cycles of life.
The teeming insect world
The fragleness of our planet earth.
Evolution is a farce
Nature points to God.
Light in darkness.
The struggle for life
The laws of nature
Birds in flight
The strength of a plant to break
rock or concrete
Ground water
The narrow range of temp we live
Resources renewable and
Energy sources

The list of reasons why nature is a
good guide to the attributes of
God is endless. O the goodness of
God. His ways are complex. But He
may be found by those who search
for Him.

Light is the first things God
created. And a verse in John is my
life verse. John 1:4,5 In Him was
life and the life was the light of
men, the light shines in the
darkness and the darkness did not
overcome it.

Col 1:13 It says that we were
delivered from the dominion of
darkness and translated into the
kingdom of His beloved Son. So we
are able to see where we are going
as the need arises.

God will show us the way. For as
the dawn of a new day grows
lighter as time passes so the
leading of the Lord will become
clearer as we walk in faith.

The plants reaching for the light
because that is what they were
made to do. And we seek God
because that is the source of our
life. What is the source of life? Is
it food. Is it dirt? Is it seeds. The
engine of physical life is the sun.
All the energy comes from the sun
and the source for spiritual life is
Christ. Without the sun life
ceases and without Christ our
spiritual life will cease.

There is a difference between
spiritual and physical. We have
eyes that see the physical. But how
do we see the spiritual. The life of
the Spirit is lived in faith. there is
an ebbing and flowing and a time
lapse before we know that there is
something wrong. But when we do
sense that something is amiss our
actions should be actions of prayer
and faith.

Nature points to life. Life points
to a need for God. Our need for
God points to a search for
answers. Our search for answers
will lead us to Jesus. Jesus will
give us peace even when we don’t
have the answers. When we find
Jesus we find God and peace.

When I was sitting on the fallen
ash tree I had a sense of peace. A
peace that came from not being
forced to produce all the time. But
there is a time when I need to

What types of plants are there
trees. Dominate primary climax
I need to break down the
different types of trees. Have a
story on each one of these types.
Then you have species. of trees and
have a story on ea. Show the
succession of the forest.
Where did the tree grow the soil
efficient in photosynthesis
How does it use water
There is a lot of things that I can
incorporate in.

Jer ___ hunting for things and I
was thinking about the bald eagle
and how predators and we search
for souls the same way.

Bald Eagle we were there and were
searching and for that reason we
saw it. Put yourself in a position to
hear from God.

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