Sunday, January 08, 2006


Jill started the fire and closed the door to the fireplace insert. The fire started fast and was burning good. When she closed the doors the fire struggled to burn. The fire never did burn well.

I had closed the air vents to the wood insert in our rec. room, earlier in the day. Jill, my wife, assumed that they were open. The only draft was getting through the leaks in the stove door. Draft is important because that is the source of oxygen that comes to the fire. Without draft the fire goes out.

There was plenty of wood and plenty of paper and kindling. It all was laid down right. The fire was started and it burned good but could not continue because of the lack of oxygen.

It can be the same way with us. We can prepare the work that we are doing with good intentions and have a good lesson plan. We can organize people and have all the equipment needed, but if we don not have the life of the Spirit we will fail. Without the Holy Spirit we are ineffective spiritually. Without the Spirit we will lose our fire.

Don't quench the Spirit. We obviously know that sin will quench the Spirit but sometimes don't realize that our attitudes may be part of the problem. If we are not willing to listen we may not get the input that God wants us to have.

Seek the presence of the Lord. Wait for Him and allow His Spirit to fill you.

It is not by might nor by poser but by my Spirit says the Lord of hosts. Zechariah 4:6

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