Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Poker Stick

I like to watch the sparks fly as I stir up the fire with a poker stick. A fire will
burn itself to the point where the logs are too far apart. Without the help of a
poker stick, the fire burns down slowly and comes to a stop. I use the poker
stick to reposition the logs to be the right distance away from the other s which
allows oxygen to get in between the logs to feed the fire.

A similar situation happens with a Christians walk. When we lose the flow of
the Spirit. It is a natural to be content with what we have achieved and not
want to continue growing. When we lose the flow of the spirit it takes work
to grow. God uses the Holy Spirit to prod us to new growth according to His will.

God prompts us by giving us an idea that comes into our thinking. We may not
pay any attention to it but if it keeps coming back pay attention because it
probably is from the Lord. Coincidences are not incidental, but may be the
leading of the Lord. If we ignore this leading a sense of lack of peace comes to
our soul. A lack of peace is a good indication that all is not right with our walk
with Jesus. If ewe ignore the Spirit’s leading enough we will quench our ability to hear Him.

Let us respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit for in obedience comes the fire
of God in our lives.

“And your ears will hear a word behind you,’ This is the way walk in it.’
Whenever you turn to the right or to the left.” (Isaiah 30:21)

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