Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Starting a fire, I put the usual large log in the back with wadded up paper
and twigs over the paper. Kindling from split logs would be added to the
fire. The fire started successfully and burned fast. Next I placed on a large
log on top that I hoped would last for a couple of hours. The disrupted the
fire and put it out. I had to restart the fire from scratch when the fire
regained its strength, it started giving us warmth.

As the large log was too much for the fire at the time, so Christians sometimes
put too much responsibility on themselves or others. This results in needed
training counseling. As long as the person is willing to work, Christian growth
and maturity will continue.

It is not a disaster to make a mistake. We all make mistakes. Persistence
through mistakes pays dividends. If you are not willing to persist through
mistakes and difficulties you will not get to the desired result.

“Whatever your hand finds to do, verily, do it with all your might.,”
Ecclesiastes 9:10

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