Sunday, January 15, 2006


Have you ever tried to light a fire with out matches? I have and I never have
been successful. Matches are a necessity in fire starting. A match lights a fire
by heating the material to a certain temperature. Trying to light a log or even a twig will not produce a fire.

A match only produces a little heat. Place a lighted match near paper or wood
shavings to allow the small flame to heat the material to a burn. matches only
burn for a short time to do the job. Just a s a fire is started with a small flame,
so our salvation comes form a little bit of faith. The Word of hope that the
gospel brings is just the spark needed to start a new life in Christ.

Today is the day of salvation. Don’t deny the Lord when He calls you. we don’t
know how long we have until our time to meet Jesus comes. As a spark of fire
will start a fire so a spark of faith is all that is needed for salvation. Just the right
touch to turn a heart toward s our Master. The right word at the right time works
a miracle.

God provides the answer we are looking for. God has put eternity in our hearts.
We respond as the warmth of the gospel touches us. Those who win souls are
wise. There is no better way to follow the Lord than to walk in the same manner
as He walked. As we walk with Him and obey His voice, He will make us fishers
of men.

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