Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Locating Birds Yellow-Rumped Warbler

A bird web site IDed the bird for us. A Yellow-Rumped Warbler. We hiked into some woods the other day and came to a stream with a bench. I sat down and waited. A number of these little birds were flying around but were hard to photograph. I had about 3 or 4 seconds to take a picture. The hard part was in the brush there was not a lot of good objects to point towards. So I pointed in the general direction and took a photo. I caught some of them to my surprise.

What I would do for a while was practice pointing my camera at an object seeing if I could locate it in a matter of seconds.

Not only did I have trouble finding these little birds to photograph, but I am also having trouble identifying what kind of birds they are. A bird web site IDed the bird for us. A Yellow-Rumped Warbler.

In the Christian life there are things that come our way that give us trouble. We don't know how to deal with the problem. but if we keep seeking the Lord and doing what we know the answer will come.

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