Saturday, December 01, 2007

Shade Tolerant Forest

Earlier I posted about a Shumard oak falling. The trees around this dominate tree were leaning away to reach for available light. Notice how these trees are leaning away from where the Shumard oak stood. There now is a hole in the canopy which will be occupied by another tree.

Here is the next generation tree that I think will replace the fallen Shumard oak. It stands just to this side of the fallen oak. Oaks usually don't replace themselves. A more shade tolerant tree such as this maple usually come up underneath the oaks.

Oaks are able to dominate the forest if there is a disturbance such as a fire. Indians used to burn the forest before Europeans settled here. We are now coming to accept the need for fire to sustain an oak dominated forest. As development spreads the feasibility of prescribed burns becomes less because of the risk of burning houses etc.

These woods which are within the city limits will never be burned so they will convert to a forest of trees that are more shade tolerant.

Psalm 119:41 "May Your lovingkindnesses also come to me, O Lord,
Your salvation according to Your word,

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