Friday, July 29, 2016

Multi Stem Black Locust

Here is a multi stem Black locust that has branches spread out that is not normal for this type of tree. But if each stem is a tree then that explains why it is different.

New seed pod growth.

Here is a close up of the stems of the tree that have grown together.

There are different types of Christians just as there are different types of trees. We should not try to force people into molds they were not made for. Some things are the same for all trees as some things are common to all Christians. Our purpose as Christians may be different.

Psalm 108:1 "My heart is steadfast, O God;
I will sing, I will sing praises, even with my soul."

Father, just as this tree is made different, so I will worship you in the way I was made. Thank you for your fantastic and majestic creation. It speaks of you.

Photos taken August 2012. Tomorrow I will show what happens to this tree.

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