Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Shumard Oak

Shumard Oak The acorn is not fully grown in this photo. Taken about July 10th.

Shumard oak is in the red oak group. The Northern red oak is a more valuable tree because of the straight long bole the tree produces. The Shumard oak branches much lower and so does not produce a timber quality tree as the Northern does. Each tree has its value.

The Shumard oaks I've seen don't grow tall stems. They branch early. In better conditions they will grow tall stems for lumber.

Our walk with the Lord grows better in the right conditions. Set aside time in the morning to read the Bible and pray over your day and your loved ones.

Psalm 119:116 "Sustain me according to Your word,that I may live;
And do not let me be ashamed of my hope."

Father, I come to You to be revived in Your word. Thank you.

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